Purchase-to-Pay XML integrations
Use Basware Purchase-to-Pay XML integrations to power your purchasing and accounts payable processes.
Process your invoices in Basware P2P and transfer them to your accounting system. Import master data into Basware P2P. Combine your purchasing and accounts payable processes to automatically validate invoices, whether the purchasing is done in Basware P2P Purchase or in your existing purchasing system.
Read the XML integration guide
Learn how Basware's purchase-to-pay XML integrations work and what to keep in mind when implementing your project.
Locate the right integrations
Locate the right integrations to support your business scenarios with our integration selection guide which covers both XML and API integrations.
Browse the XML data format reference
Check data fields, structures and methods available in Basware purchase-to-pay XML integrations. Find descriptions for each available data fields as well as guidance on how to use them.