Getting started with Network REST APIs

REST APIs for for business document sending and receiving

Get Started

Basware Network is your gateway to the world of electronic invoicing. We welcome developers of all sizes to join our network and start exchanging electronic business documents. Here’s how you can get started:

1. Familiarize yourself with our API documentation and our API examples

Our API guides contain plenty of examples to make you productive from the get-go and the full API Reference shows you all the details that you can tweak

2. Create an account and access our sandbox environment

Contact Basware Support and get your free testing account

3.Create and test your solutions

Test your application in our sandbox environment and iron out all the wrinkles with ease

Basware services for developers

Before you can start sending and receiving business documents through Basware Network, you will need a subscription to one of our services. Basware offers a number of different services aimed at developers with different types of user bases and with various volumes of business documents.

Check out our services below and pick the one that suits your plans the best.

Sending invoices through Basware Network

Delivering invoices through Basware Network could not be simpler. Our service supports over 70 different output formats from your customer’s electronic invoicing format of choice to postal delivery. When you work with us, you only need a single invoice format – the electronic invoice that our API uses. Once we receive the invoice, will convert it to whichever format the recipient needs and deliver it to them instantly, no matter where they are.

Receiving invoices through Basware Network

Do you need to receive electronic invoices from multiple different partners in a wide variety of formats? If so, Basware Network is here to make your life simpler. Have your invoices delivered through Basware Network. We can accept invoices in over 70 different formats – including paper invoices – and deliver them all to you in a single, common e-invoice format.