Preconfigured API Calls

Start from a functioning solution and build from there

Download preconfigured API call examples

Basware provides preconfigured API call examples with parameters already in place. This collection of API call examples is intended for integrating with Basware P2P.  We recommend starting your development from the examples and adding the additional fields needed in your project. 

Basware API has many customizable fields to choose from. Our sample messages do not contain customizable fields. They have been simplified to contain only the baseline needed by most projects. Thanks to this, you will be starting from a functioning solution and adding the customized fields required in your project.

Download preconfigured API call examples here (use "save link as...") and import them into Postman development environment. These examples are provided as a Postman collection. Postman is required to open the file. You can extract the messages and use them in any development tool.


From here, you can examine the HTTP request sent for each of the preconfigured API calls.


You can also auto-generate code for popular methods of posting the HTTP request.


Before use, please update your API details (click on root folder named 'P2P sample flow'):

  • Username and password (from Basware sales representative or project delivery consultant)
    • These are set in "Edit collection" mode -> "Authorization" tab.
  • If you are outside Europe, please also update the API base URL to match your region (default: Region-specific API URLs are listed in the API reference manual
    • This is set in "Edit collection" mode -> "Variables" tab. Change the variable "baseUrl" to match your region.