Purchase-to-Pay API Reference

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Master data and P2P APIs

Master data and P2P APIs are available through the following regions: Europe (EU), USA (US), Australia (AU) and Canada (CA). APIs will be set up in the same region as your P2P system. Separate environments are available for test and production systems. Please use below URLs when sending requests to Basware API.

Region Test
API reference
Australia https://test-api.au.basware.com https://api.au.basware.com
Canada https://test-api.ca.basware.com https://api.ca.basware.com
Europe https://test-api.basware.com https://api.basware.com
USA https://test-api.us.basware.com https://api.us.basware.com

P2P API reference is available in swagger below. The swagger documentation contains up to date definitions for the P2P APIs. Full screen view available using the above API reference links. Swagger pages for push notification APIs and authentication APIs are presented separately.

Purchase-to-Pay and Master Data

Push Notification APIs

OAUTH2 authentication APIs